Friday 23 December 2011

Bush camping to Mali

The drive from Dakar to Bamako took us five bush camps.

Needless to say, we got the baby wipes out again; here’s one of Shaun’s feet after a wet-wipe shower, and one without.

But we were also fortunate enough to stop by the side of a river after a few days and have a more thorough wash.

Some of camp sites were stunning such as this one by the riverside where we played around with a soccer ball in the water.

There was only one that was a little questionable as Amy accidentally set off a large trap – luckily she didn’t get caught in it.

At another one, local kids came over to check us out and I asked them where the nearest baobab tree was as we wanted to see the fruit. They pointed us in the right direction but later that night came back to our campsite with arms full of baobab fruit for us! We gave them 5 litres of water in a large bottle for their trouble and we all took plenty of photos of each other – they snuck a photo of me on one of their mobile phones!

As we were leaving one of our campsites our truck got bogged. The boys couldn’t have been more excited – they rushed to help dig out the truck’s wheels and lay down the sand mats so Nev could drive us out of the hole. Afterwards Andrea put on the ‘Truck got stuck’ song – very appropriate.

We had some excellent campfire meals

and incredible sunrises and sunsets.

The villages along the way made the experience for us though where kids were waving at us with both hands and jumping up and down in excitement or running after our truck.
We particularly enjoyed the street food in the villages too such in Kita where we tried fried dough balls and sweet potato chips with ‘piment’ (spicy sauce).

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